2025 | BE Padrela, M Slivka, MH Sneve et al. | Blood-brain barrier water permeability across the adult lifespan: a multi-echo ASL study | Neurobiology of Aging |
2024 | B Padrela, A Mahroo, M Tee et al. | Developing blood-brain barrier arterial spin labelling as a non-invasive early biomarker of Alzheimer’s disease (DEBBIE-AD): a prospective observational multicohort study protocol | BMJ open 14 (3), e081635 |
2024 | D Vidal-Pineiro, O Sorensen, M Stromstad, IK Amlien, M Anderson & ... | Reliability of structural brain change in cognitively healthy adult samples. | bioRxiv 2024.06. 03.592804 |
2024 | AM Fjell, MH Sneve, IK Amlien, H Grydeland, AM Mowinckel & ... | What underlies high episodic memory function in older age? No evidence for aging-specific relationships to hippocampal atrophy and retrieval activity | |
2024 | HT Ness, L Folvik, MH Sneve et al. | Recalled through this day but forgotten next week?—retrieval activity predicts durability of partly consolidated memories | Cerebral Cortex 34 (6), bhae233 |
2024 | H Grydeland, MH Sneve, JM Roe et al. | Network Segregation During Episodic Memory Shows Age-Invariant Relations with Memory Performance From 7 to 82 Years | bioRxiv 2024.12. 23.630050 |
2024 | B Padrela, A Mahroo, M Tee et al. | DEveloping BBB-ASL as non-Invasive Early biomarker of Alzheimer's Disease (DEBBIE-AD): Study design | Cerebral Circulation-Cognition and Behavior 6, 100308 |
2024 | A Fjell, MH Sneve, IK Amlien, H Grydeland, AM Mowinckel & ... | What underlies exceptional memory function in older age? No evidence for aging-specific relationships to hippocampal atrophy and retrieval activity | bioRxiv 2024.04. 12.589183 |
2024 | B Padrela, A Mahroo, M Tee et al. | Protocol: Developing blood-brain barrier arterial spin labelling as a non-invasive early biomarker of Alzheimer’s disease (DEBBIE-AD): a prospective observational multicohort … | BMJ Open 14 (3) |
2023 | JM Roe, D Vidal-Pineiro, IK Amlien et al. | Tracing the development and lifespan change of population-level structural asymmetry in the cerebral cortex | Elife 12, e84685 |
2023 | E Capogna, MH Sneve, L Raud et al. | Whole-brain connectivity during encoding: age-related differences and associations with cognitive and brain structural decline | Cerebral Cortex 33 (1), 68-82 |
2023 | AR Løchen, KK Kolskår, AMG de Lange, MH Sneve, B Haatveit & ... | Visual processing deficits in patients with schizophrenia spectrum and bipolar disorders and associations with psychotic symptoms, and intellectual abilities | Heliyon 9 (2) |
2023 | L Raud, MH Sneve, D Vidal-Piñeiro et al. | Hippocampal-cortical functional connectivity during memory encoding and retrieval | NeuroImage 279, 120309 |
2023 | L Folvik, MH Sneve, HT Ness et al. | Sustained upregulation of widespread hippocampal–neocortical coupling following memory encoding | Cerebral Cortex 33 (8), 4844-4858 |
2023 | B Padrela, M Sneve, S Zelhorst et al. | Blood-brain barrier permeability changes over the lifespan | International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine |
2023 | LE Hauger, MH Sneve, B Nedregaard & A Skogan | Functional magnetic resonance imaging for preoperative planning in pediatric epilepsy | EPILEPSIA 64, 406-406 |
2022 | HT Ness, L Folvik, MH Sneve et al. | Reduced hippocampal-striatal interactions during formation of durable episodic memories in aging | Cerebral Cortex 32 (11), 2358-2372 |
2021 | L Lengali, J Hippe, C Hatlestad-Hall, TW Rygvold, MH Sneve & ... | Sensory-induced human LTP-Like synaptic plasticity–using visual evoked potentials to explore the relation between LTP-like synaptic plasticity and visual perceptual learning | Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15, 684573 |
2021 | D Vidal-Piñeiro, MH Sneve, IK Amlien, H Grydeland, AM Mowinckel & ... | The functional foundations of episodic memory remain stable throughout the lifespan | Cerebral Cortex 31 (4), 2098-2110 |
2021 | O Esteban, A Adebimpe, CJ Markiewicz, M Goncalves, RW Blair & ... | The Bermuda Triangle of d-and f-MRI sailors-software for susceptibility distortions (SDCFlows) | OSF |
2021 | AR Løchen, KK Kolskår, AMG de Lange, MH Sneve, B Haatveit & ... | Spatial frequency discrimination in patients with schizophrenia spectrum and bipolar disorders: Evidence of early visual processing deficits and associations with intellectual … | medRxiv 2021.06. 28.21259309 |
2020 | E Langnes, MH Sneve, D Sederevicius, IK Amlien, KB Walhovd & AM Fjell | Anterior and posterior hippocampus macro‐and microstructure across the lifespan in relation to memory—A longitudinal study | Hippocampus 30 (7), 678-692 |
2020 | T Endestad, RI Godøy, MH Sneve, T Hagen, A Bochynska & B Laeng | Mental effort when playing, listening, and imagining music in one pianist’s eyes and brain | Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14, 576888 |
2020 | AM Fjell, D Sederevicius, MH Sneve, AMG de Lange, ACS Bråthen & ... | Self-reported Sleep Problems Related to Amyloid Deposition in Cortical Regions with High HOMER1 Gene Expression | Cerebral Cortex 30 (4), 2144-2156 |
2020 | JM Roe, D Vidal-Piñeiro, MH Sneve et al. | Age-related differences in functional asymmetry during memory retrieval revisited: no evidence for contralateral overactivation or compensation | Cerebral Cortex 30 (3), 1129-1147 |
2019 | E Langnes, D Vidal-Piñeiro, MH Sneve, IK Amlien, KB Walhovd & AM Fjell | Development and decline of the hippocampal long-axis specialization and differentiation during encoding and retrieval of episodic memories | Cerebral Cortex 29 (8), 3398-3414 |
2019 | AM Fjell, CH Chen, D Sederevicius, MH Sneve, H Grydeland & ... | Continuity and discontinuity in human cortical development and change from embryonic stages to old age | Cerebral Cortex 29 (9), 3879-3890 |
2019 | D Vidal-Piñeiro, MH Sneve, LH Nyberg, AM Mowinckel, D Sederevicius & ... | Maintained frontal activity underlies high memory function over 8 years in aging | Cerebral cortex 29 (7), 3111-3123 |
2019 | MH Sneve, H Grydeland, MGP Rosa et al. | High-expanding regions in primate cortical brain evolution support supramodal cognitive flexibility | Cerebral cortex 29 (9), 3891-3901 |
2019 | KM Walle, JE Nordvik, F Becker, T Espeseth, MH Sneve & B Laeng | Unilateral neglect post stroke: Eye movement frequencies indicate directional hypokinesia while fixation distributions suggest compensational mechanism | Brain and Behavior 9 (1), e01170 |
2019 | AM Fjell, MH Sneve, D Sederevicius, Ø Sørensen, SK Krogsrud & ... | Volumetric and microstructural regional changes of the hippocampus underlying development of recall performance after extended retention intervals | Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience 40, 100723 |
2019 | IK Amlien, MH Sneve, D Vidal-Piñeiro, KB Walhovd & AM Fjell | Elaboration benefits source memory encoding through centrality change | Scientific Reports 9 (1), 3704 |
2019 | E Langnes, MH Sneve, D Sederevicius, IK Amlien, KB Walhovd & AM Fjell | Lifespan trajectories and relationships to memory of the macro-and microstructure of the anterior and posterior hippocampus–a longitudinal multi-modal imaging study | BioRxiv 564732 |
2019 | AM Fjell, MH Sneve, D Sederevicius, Ø Sørensen, SK Krogsrud & ... | Volumetric and microstructural regional changes of the hippocampus underlying development of extended delay long-term memory | bioRxiv 595827 |
2018 | IK Amlien, MH Sneve, D Vidal-Piñeiro, KB Walhovd & AM Fjell | The lifespan trajectory of the encoding-retrieval flip: a multimodal examination of medial parietal cortex contributions to episodic memory | Journal of Neuroscience 38 (40), 8666-8679 |
2018 | ACS Bråthen, AMG De Lange, DA Rohani, MH Sneve, AM Fjell & ... | Multimodal cortical and hippocampal prediction of episodic‐memory plasticity in young and older adults | Human Brain Mapping 39 (11), 4480-4492 |
2018 | AM Fjell, D Sederevicius, MH Sneve, AMG de Lange, AC Sjøli Bråthen & ... | Longitudinal increase in sleep problems is related to amyloid deposition in cortical regions with high HOMER1 gene expression | bioRxiv 335612 |
2018 | MH Sneve, H Grydeland, MGP Rosa et al. | The hotspots in primate cortical brain evolution support supramodal cognitive flexibility | bioRxiv 333930 |
2017 | AM Fjell, MH Sneve, H Grydeland, AB Storsve & KB Walhovd | The disconnected brain and executive function decline in aging | Cerebral cortex 27 (3), 2303-2317 |
2017 | AM Fjell, MH Sneve, H Grydeland et al. | Relationship between structural and functional connectivity change across the adult lifespan: a longitudinal investigation | Human brain mapping 38 (1), 561-573 |
2017 | MH Sneve, H Grydeland, IK Amlien, E Langnes, KB Walhovd & AM Fjell | Decoupling of large-scale brain networks supports the consolidation of durable episodic memories | Neuroimage 153, 336-345 |
2017 | D Vidal-Piñeiro, MH Sneve, AB Storsve, JM Roe, KB Walhovd & AM Fjell | Neural correlates of durable memories across the adult lifespan: brain activity at encoding and retrieval | Neurobiology of aging 60, 20-33 |
2017 | M Sneve, AM Fjell & K Beate | DUF1220 copy number and the evolutionary expansion of primate cerebral cortex | BEHAVIOR GENETICS 47 (6), 715-716 |
2016 | AM Fjell, MH Sneve, AB Storsve, H Grydeland, A Yendiki & KB Walhovd | Brain events underlying episodic memory changes in aging: a longitudinal investigation of structural and functional connectivity | Cerebral cortex 26 (3), 1272-1286 |
2016 | JM Roe, M Nesheim, NC Mathiesen, T Moberget, D Alnæs & MH Sneve | The effects of tDCS upon sustained visual attention are dependent on cognitive load | Neuropsychologia 80, 1-8 |
2016 | ES Dørum, D Alnæs, T Kaufmann et al. | Age‐related differences in brain network activation and co‐activation during multiple object tracking | Brain and behavior 6 (11), e00533 |
2015 | AM Fjell, MH Sneve, H Grydeland et al. | Functional connectivity change across multiple cortical networks relates to episodic memory changes in aging | Neurobiology of Aging 36 (12), 3255-3268 |
2015 | MH Sneve, H Grydeland, L Nyberg et al. | Mechanisms underlying encoding of short-lived versus durable episodic memories | Journal of Neuroscience 35 (13), 5202-5212 |
2015 | D Alnæs, T Kaufmann, G Richard et al. | Attentional load modulates large-scale functional brain connectivity beyond the core attention networks | Neuroimage 109, 260-272 |
2015 | D Alnæs, MH Sneve, G Richard et al. | Functional connectivity indicates differential roles for the intraparietal sulcus and the superior parietal lobule in multiple object tracking | Neuroimage 123, 129-137 |
2015 | AM Fjell, IK Amlien, MH Sneve et al. | The roots of Alzheimer's disease: are high-expanding cortical areas preferentially targeted? | Cerebral Cortex 25 (9), 2556-2565 |
2015 | MH Sneve, KK Sreenivasan, D Alnæs, T Endestad & S Magnussen | Short-term retention of visual information: Evidence in support of feature-based attention as an underlying mechanism | Neuropsychologia 66, 1-9 |
2014 | D Alnæs, MH Sneve, T Espeseth, T Endestad, SHP van de Pavert & ... | Pupil size signals mental effort deployed during multiple object tracking and predicts brain activity in the dorsal attention network and the locus coeruleus | Journal of vision 14 (4), 1-1 |
2013 | MH Sneve, S Magnussen, D Alnæs, T Endestad & M D'Esposito | Top–down modulation from inferior frontal junction to FEFs and intraparietal sulcus during short-term memory for visual features | Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 25 (11), 1944-1956 |
2012 | MH Sneve, D Alnæs, T Endestad, MW Greenlee & S Magnussen | Visual short-term memory: Activity supporting encoding and maintenance in retinotopic visual cortex | Neuroimage 63 (1), 166-178 |
2011 | MH Sneve, D Alnæs, T Endestad, MW Greenlee & S Magnussen | Modulation of activity in human visual area V1 during memory masking | PloS one 6 (4), e18651 |
2010 | T Espeseth, MH Sneve, H Rootwelt & B Laeng | Nicotinic receptor gene CHRNA4 interacts with processing load in attention | PloS one 5 (12), e14407 |
| L Etholm, J Ivanovic, VS Larsen, MH Sneve, MI Lossius & KÅ Alfstad | Localizing value of disturbances of self‐integration, depersonalization, and forced thinking: A systematic review | Epileptic Disorders |
| BE Padrela, S Tecelão, O Geier et al. | ASL blood-brain barrier permeability is associated with amyloid and cognitive impairment | |
| B Padrela, M Slivka, MH Sneve et al. | Normal Blood-Brain Barrier Water Permeability Across the Lifespan: A Multi-Echo Asl Study | |
| B Padrela, M Tee, M Sneve et al. | DEveloping Blood-Brain barrier arterial spin labeling as a non-Invasive Early biomarker (DEBBIE) | |
| L Raud, MH Sneve, D Vidal-Piñeiro et al. | Hippocampal-cortical functional connectivity | |